Cut the Cord and Save Money

Cut the Cord and Save Money

Cutting the cord can save you money as long as you go into it with the right mindset. If you’re aiming to completely replace your cable channels or to have every episode of every show at your fingertips, you likely won’t end up with significant savings. Know your...
What is Stream TV

What is Stream TV

If you missed your favorite TV show or didn’t have the time to visit the video store, don’t worry. With streaming TV there is no need for waiting or even getting off of the couch to view the video you want to see instantly. Streaming video to TVs is...
How to Decide If Cord Cutting Is Right for You

How to Decide If Cord Cutting Is Right for You

These days, more of us are considering cutting the cord and getting rid of cable, and with good reason. One is that there are now more options. The other is simply the growing cost of traditional pay TV. In fact, industry analysts say people are leaving traditional...